Association Website Hosting

Welcome to Vieth Web Hosting, a service of Vieth Consulting!

Below are our three primary website hosting packages. For most small organizations, the Basic package will be adequate.

For associations, we offer special hosting packages with our Member Management System included. The Member Management System is specifically designed for membership-based organizations.

For commercial websites, we offer similar hosting packages. Please contact us for more information.

  Basic Enhanced Enterprise
Monthly Cost $20.00 $30.00 $40.00
Webspace Allowed 8 GB 16 GB 32 GB
Bandwidth/month 64 GB 128 GB 256 GB
POP Mailboxes 20 40 80
System Uptime 99.9% 99.9% 99.9%

General Features
  Web-Based Control Panel (cPanel) Yes Yes Yes
   Web Forms Yes Yes Yes
Real Audio/Video Yes Yes Yes
   Traffic/Visitor Statistics Reporting Yes Yes Yes
 Tier-1 Premium Bandwidth Yes Yes Yes

Email Features
 POP/Auth Email Yes Yes Yes
Spam Filtering Yes Yes Yes
 Web-Based Email Yes Yes Yes
 Autoresponders Yes Yes Yes
 Email Forwarding Yes Yes Yes
 Automated Mailing Lists Yes Yes Yes
 Mailing List Manager Yes Yes Yes

FTP Features
FTP/SFTP Access Yes Yes Yes
Anonymous FTP Access Yes Yes Yes
 SSH Access Yes Yes Yes

Scripting/Developer Features
System CGI-BIN with free Form, Clock, Counter scripts Yes Yes Yes
 Personal CGI-BIN (for running your own scripts) Yes Yes Yes
Access to pre-installed Perl 
and Apache Modules
-- Yes Yes
DNS Editor(s) Yes Yes Yes
Fantastico DeLuxe Yes Yes Yes
PHP Support Yes Yes Yes
Ruby on Rails Support Yes Yes Yes
  Java Servlets -- -- Yes

Database Features
 Flat File Databases Yes Yes Yes
 MySQL with Web-based Admin Yes Yes Yes



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