Join Us
Join the more than 800 professionals involved in South Carolina
workers' compensation claims who depend on SCWCEA for the educational
resources and programs that help them do their jobs better.
- Meet potential clients, develop partnerships and develop business
relationships for mutual support and assistance.
- Network with other members and enhance your organization's visiblity
and recognition in the workers' comp community.
- Become more knowledgeable about workers' compensation issues
in South Carolina.
- Enjoy reduced costs for the SCWCEA Annual Meeting, Medical Seminar
and One-Day Seminars.
- Receive a complimentary subscription to SCWCEA Chronicles, our
semi-annual newsletter.
- Earn accreditation hours with costs built into event registration
- Receive advance notice on all SCWCEA events to enjoy early registration
- Play a part in the direction of SCWCEA by serving on critical
Membership Categories
The SCWCEA membership year runs January 1 - December 31.
Firm or Business members ($150) are corporations,
firms, partnerships or associations, either in the public or private
sector, who are actively engaged in an ongoing basis in some aspect
of involvement with the South Carolina Workers’ Compensation
Individual members ($75) are individuals, firms, corporations,
partnerships or associations who do not qualify for firm/business
membership, or those who may qualify for firm/business membership
but elect not to be, and who have an interest in the administration
of the Workers’ Compensation Act or this Association.
Associate members ($50) are individuals employed by current
Firm or Business members who are actively involved in South Carolina
workers' compensation. Please contact the SCWCEA office for this application form. We will confirm that a Firm/Business membership is in place prior to your submission.
Join Now
If renewing your membership, please use the members only section to submit you payment through PayPal. You do not need to establish a PayPal account. This account is the SCWCEA's and will process your dues in real time.
Please download the application in the format of your choice
from the left and
print, fax or mail it with your credit card information (or check)
South Carolina Workers' Compensation
Educational Association
3 Cavendish Court
Irmo SC 29063
If you have any questions, please call Donna Croom, Executive Director, at toll-free
866-459-4360 or 803-407-3360.