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Donna Croom
Executive Director


SCWCEA Lifetime Service Award

The SCWCEA Lifetime Service Award is an honor that may be bestowed by the SCWCEA Board upon individuals who have contributed significantly to the success and betterment of the SCWCEA and/or the South Carolina workers’ compensation system.

An individual’s contribution should be exemplary and served to enhance the administration of workers’ compensation in South Carolina, to share with others important knowledge and facilitate greater understanding of workers’ compensation in South Carolina, to advance the educational mission of the SCWCEA, and/or to bring favorable credit to the SCWCEA and the workers’ compensation system in South Carolina. 

The following qualifications and criteria apply:

  • This award shall be given sparingly. Unless the SCWCEA Board concludes that exceptional circumstances exist, the award should be given to no more than three (3) individuals each year. There is no requirement that the award be bestowed each year. Lifetime Service Awards may be bestowed posthumously. Recipients of the award should be individuals that receive the strong endorsement of the Board.
  • Recipients must have maintained active membership in SCWCEA for more than 20 years cumulatively.
  • Nominations for potential recipients of the Lifetime Service Award must be made by an active SCWCEA member. A nominations form will be used to set forth achievements and other comments supportive of the nomination.  The nominations period opens on January 1 of each year. The SCWCEA President shall appoint a standing committee of active SCWCEA members that is charged with considering nominations and making final recommendations for potential recipients to the SCWCEA Board. Nominations shall be received by June 1 each year. The Lifetime Service Award Committee shall make any final recommendations to the SCWCEA Board in a manner permitting the SCWCEA Board to vote on any such awards by August 30 each year. 
  • The SCWCEA Board, in bestowing this award, should give every consideration to the diversity of SCWCEA membership and interests in making the award.
  • Lifetime Service Awards shall be bestowed upon honored individuals at the SCWCEA Annual Educational Conference, or at any other time or in any other manner deemed appropriate by the SCWCEA Board.
  • Recipients of the Lifetime Service Award shall be entitled to waiver of all future registration fees for conferences/seminars and waiver of all future membership dues commencing immediately upon receipt of their award.

On January 22, 2010, the SCWCEA Board of Directors adopted the above criteria and renamed this award the Lifetime Service Award at it’s quarterly Board meeting.

Click below for a nomination form

pdf format
Word format

Nominations should be received no later than June 1st and must be mailed to:


3 Cavendish Court

Irmo, SC  29063


The SCWCEA has conferred Lifetime Service Awards Membership
Status on the following in recognition of their long membership
in and extensive service to
workers’ compensation in South Carolina.



W. Justin Kohl

Georgetown, SC


J. Russell

Goudelock, II

Columbia, SC

Wallace G. Holland

Florence, SC

Stanford E. Lacy
Columbia, SC

William E.  Shaughnessy
Greenville, SC

Patricia L. Rediehs
Charlotte, NC

John Nabors
Leesville, SC

William S. Griggs
Columbia, SC

Doug Crossman
Lexington, SC


Ben Bowen

Doug McKay

Paul McMillan

Jim Reid

Hugo Spitz

John Spratling

In 2004,
awards were
given to:

Alvin Coleman
J.W. Derrick
Richard Foster
Bob Galloway
Isadore Lourie
Babe Nelson
Jackie Weed

© 2007 South Carolina Workers' Compensation Educational Association

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