S.C. Workers' Compensation Educational Association

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37th Annual Educational Conference on Workers' Compensation


4th Annual Workers' Comp Academy

The Workers’ Comp Academy is a full-day program that will take place on Monday, October 21, 2013. It will begin promptly at 10:30 am after the openting session by David DePaolo and should conclude by 5:30 pm. Registration includes two breaks, lunch, continuing education credits or continuing legal education units as well as a binder of materials associated with the presentations.

Registration for the 4th Annual Workers' Comp Academy is now closed.  There will be no onsite registration available.




Preliminary Program

Monday, October 21, 2013

10:30 am – 12:45 am

Overview of the SC Workers’ Compensation System and Forms Used

  • Statutes, regulations, and case law that make up the SC Workers’ Compensation system
  • Commissioner appointments/terms/who they are
  • Forms

Compensable Injuries

  • What qualifies as a compensable injury by accident
  • Repetitive trauma claims
  • Mental/Mental claims
  • Occupational disease claims

Defenses to Claims

  • Statute of limitations
  • No notice to employer
  • Intoxication/willfulness
  • Fraud in the application for employment
  • Going and coming rule
  • Not a compensable injury (denied case)

12:45 pm - 2:00 pm


2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Benefits Provided by the Workers’ Comp System

  • Medical benefits
    • What treatment must be provided/choice of  physician
    • Medical Care after MMI/Lifetime Care
    • Obtaining medical records and communication with healthcare provider (§ 42-15-95)
  • Temporary benefis
    • Determining AWW/CR
    • TTD
    • TPD
  • Permanent Disability benefits
    • PPD
    • Wage Loss
    • Permanent & Total disability
    • Lifetime benefits

Starting and stopping temporary total/partial benefits

  • Starting TTD (Form 15)

  • Stopping TTD within 150 days from date of notice of injury

  • Stopping TTD after 150 days

Closing Claims

  • Informal conference process
    • Form 16A and its effects
    • Process if no agreement reached
  • Hearing process
    • Award
    • Appeal process
    • Change of condition rights
  • Agreement & Final Release/Clincher Agreements
    • Represented claimants
    • Unrepresented claimants
  • Medical Only Claims

3:00 pm - 3:30 pm


3:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Fines & Penalties

  • Failure to file forms

  • Improperly stopping temporary total disability

  • Failure to timely pay award/interest

  • How & when fines are assessed







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