4th Annual Workers' Comp Academy

The Workers’ Comp Academy is a full-day program that will take place on Monday, October 21, 2013. It will begin promptly at 10:30 am after the openting session by David DePaolo and should conclude by 5:30 pm. Registration includes two breaks, lunch, continuing education credits or continuing legal education units as well as a binder of materials associated with the presentations.
Registration for the 4th Annual Workers' Comp Academy is now closed. There will be no onsite registration available.
Preliminary Program |
Monday, October 21, 2013 |
10:30 am – 12:45 am
Overview of the SC Workers’ Compensation System and Forms Used
- Statutes, regulations, and case law that make up the SC Workers’ Compensation system
- Commissioner appointments/terms/who they are
- Forms
Compensable Injuries
- What qualifies as a compensable injury by accident
- Repetitive trauma claims
- Mental/Mental claims
- Occupational disease claims
Defenses to Claims
- Statute of limitations
- No notice to employer
- Intoxication/willfulness
- Fraud in the application for employment
- Going and coming rule
- Not a compensable injury (denied case)
12:45 pm - 2:00 pm |
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm |
Benefits Provided by the Workers’ Comp System
- Medical benefits
- What treatment must be provided/choice of physician
- Medical Care after MMI/Lifetime Care
- Obtaining medical records and communication with healthcare provider (§ 42-15-95)
- Temporary benefis
- Determining AWW/CR
- Permanent Disability benefits
- Wage Loss
- Permanent & Total disability
- Lifetime benefits
Starting and stopping temporary total/partial benefits
Closing Claims
- Informal conference process
- Form 16A and its effects
- Process if no agreement reached
- Hearing process
- Award
- Appeal process
- Change of condition rights
- Agreement & Final Release/Clincher Agreements
- Represented claimants
- Unrepresented claimants
3:00 pm - 3:30 pm |
Break |
3:30 pm - 5:30 pm |
Fines & Penalties
Failure to file forms
Improperly stopping temporary total disability
Failure to timely pay award/interest
How & when fines are assessed