Conference Registration

We all know how to improve our effectiveness by learning from the past. But with today's complex issues in workers' compensation, we need to anticipate future issues and how to handle them. At this year's conference, we will learn from insightful speakers, network, collaborate with others dedicated to solutions, and gain a better understanding of the issues affecting our clients. Join us in October as we bring tomorrow into focus for today's cases.
NEW this year, sessions specifically for Medical Providers!
Onsite registration will be available Sunday, October 20 and Monday, October 21. Payment will only be accepted in the forms of check and cash (no credit cards, no invoiced). Checks should be made payable to SCWCEA. Cost to attend is:
$450 – SCWCEA Member
$600 – Non Member
$200 – Companion/Guest
Guest/companion fees have been established solely for a spouse or significant other who accompanies the primary member registrant. This fee will not be honored for co-workers or industry associates.
- Payment must accompany registration form. No registration will be processed without full payment.
- SCWCEA offers no partial or daily registrations.
- Registrations received by fax or mail after September 30,
2013 will be processed onsite and may delay receipt of
conference credentials on-site.
- Individuals who submit registration payment as a
current SCWCEA member and are not, will be processed
automatically at the appropriate non member rate.